On 12th April 2018, IEEE AIUB Student Branch along with IEEE AIUB Student Branch WIE Affinity Group organized a workshop titled “Basic of Robotics using Arduino Microcontrollers” in collaboration with Bangladesh Robotics Foundation at American International University - Bangladesh. The event consisted of a day-long workshop teaching the participants about the basics of Arduino and Robotics, celebrating the worldwide birthday of Arduino commonly referred as “Arduino Day”.
The event was conducted by Md Hafizul Imran, Head of Research and Development, RITE Solutions Limited; Founder and Chairperson, Bangladesh Robotics foundation. The speaker initiated his session by first showing some of his works and talking about what Bangladesh Robotics foundation does and how it came to be. He then started from rock bottom, starting from basic electronics and slowly elevating towards the topic, obstacle avoiding robot. He provided a brief presentation on the required components and how each of them functions, with more emphasis put on the Arduino itself. After a good theoretical session, he then moved towards the practical session of the event, ensuring that the participants received the full hands-on experience of the making of the robot.
For the concluding speech honorable Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan, Head of Faculty of Engineering (Undergrad), AIUB, thanked the speaker for giving time and effort in bringing zest to the event and also addressed the importance of micro-controllers and how the world is taking a turn in terms of technology and also motivated the participant in trying to be the best, hence succeeding in leaving marks in the pages of history. Later he provided the participants with their certificates and also presented a crest and token of appreciation to the honorable speaker Mr. Hafizul Imran and other executive members of the BRF, Rony Shaha and Tanvir tabassum ovi.