Introduction :
Bangladesh Robotics Foundation is an independent, non-profit, community
organization which was established in 2017 at Dhaka, Bangladesh by a group of
enlightened, enthusiastic professional innovators. The organization is heavily
inclined towards promoting global growth and implementation of robotics and
automation technology in which a majority portion is associated with academic
institutions and research and development. Initially the focus of this
organization is on Artificial Intelligence, DIY Robots, Drones, Household
robots, Humanoid Robots, Industrial Robots, Medical Robots, Military Robots,
Sensors, Actuators, Robotics Software, and Space Robots. Beside, another main
objective is to bring awareness in robotics industry and also and to promote the
profitable use of robots, and assist in the development of Industrial Robots and
Automation in various industries. BRF is committed to serve the entire robotics
community both in academics and industry area by promoting research oriented
development and training on corresponding criteria. BRF is open to individuals
and organizations, both onshore and offshore. BRF is strongly devoted to
excellence in workplace.
Bangladesh Robotics Foundation is an organization to lead the students about Robotics and its application both in personal and commercial. Our main goal is utilizing the potentiality to build a self-reliant Bangladesh. Making a generation who will well-known of their capabilities, informed of their scopes of knowledge implementation, who are assiduous in research and application and convinced of building an enriched Bangladesh. It has been working to satisfy the inquisitive minds by providing the knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. Apart from this, Bangladesh Robotics Foundation also patronizes robotics projects of the students. We support the student’s needs to materialize their robotics clean ideas not only morally but also financially. To increase the practice of robotics methods, we arrange workshops and seminars for motivating the next generations.